It’s time to
Take off the financial handcuffs
I specialize in helping believers, like you, financially flourish. So let’s go! Take off those financial handcuffs so you can manage and multiply money. I catalyze, create and cultivate financial change. Not just any change, the type of change that makes cents. You can call me your financial change agent.
-Jasmine Naylor
I’m on a Mission to
Manage & Multiply Money God’s way
And so are you. That’s why you’re here. My gift is understanding money and your relationship to it and how we can change it to maximize your ability to manage and multiply it God’s way. Together, we can make cents of it.
You are
Bold, Brave,
& a Believer
In case you needed reminding…
You were not meant to be broke, broken or begging
You are bold, brave, & a believer
You are capable, competent & courageous
Money & You
So it’s you for you. What a blessing. One can become two but you’ve got work to do and don’t we all. Let’s understand where you’re at, where you’re going, and how we’re going to get there so it all makes cents.
Money & Business
You’re an entrepreneur so you’re doubly blessed but that also means you might have twice the mess. Money tends to dissipate if we don’t fully participate in the process of proper planning.
Money & Ministry
God’s ministry the most sacred business of all. Made up of a peculiar people, a royal priesthood. It seems we may have forgotten this. There’s no time like the present to plant new seed and prepare for the need.
Money & Marriage
Unity is hard to come by when the money ain’t right. Need I say more.
Decency and order requires a border between your marriage, money, kids & family. Got boundaries?